Why are more and more customers interested in ShinMedico?
It is our first priority to build a relationship of trust with customers by improving the quality and challenging to produce custom-made instruments.
Trial Set
(*Only once per person or the shipping address)
New Lineups
The ranking of the number of shipments in 2022
1st Peritoneum Hook

be able to hang the peritoneum
before cutting a white line
2nd TC METZENBAUM Scissors 14.5cm curved

3rd Halsted Micro Mosquito Forceps 12cm
curved, cross-serrated

be able to soft grip
on the organization!
3rd DeBAKEY Vascular Forceps 18 cm, 1.0 mm wide jaws,fenestrated handles

not found length in other companies!
Custom-Made Items by ShinMedico
Find more custom-made items and get them!
ShinMedico is…
We specialize in providing pet vets with surgical instruments and have been developing custom-made instruments based on customer requests in Japan. So you should be able to be excited about finding items you have been wishing.
Do you have any problems with surgical instruments?
“The scissors didn’t cut well.”
“Low quality clamps caused tissue damage.”
“The edge of the tips of needle holders cut the sutures during suturing.”
Have you ever encountered any of these above troubles? If yes, you might feel the strong stress when these troubles happened during surgery. I have sometimes felt that some veterinarians look older than the age because of their white hair. I understand they have stressful jobs, facing to the creatures. Under this work environment, the troubles caused by the surgical instruments should irritate you and make you feel extra stress.
But you don’t have to worry any more about extra stress caused by the surgical instruments. You will be free from such stress if you use our surgical instruments.
Not for humans but for animals
Most of the surgical instruments used in the veterinary industry are for humans, and most veterinarians are diverting those instruments. So you should sometimes feel that there is few suitable surgical instruments for animals case. In such a case, “Have you ever felt that the surgery would have gone well if you had the instruments to reach that point?”
But you don’t have to worry any more about such cases. We specialize in providing pet vets with surgical instruments and have been developing custom-made instruments based on customer requests. You will find the surgical instruments you have been wishing in this website.
Enjoy exploring in this site and shopping!
We have a wide selection of surgical instruments for pet vets, so please enjoy exploring in this site. You will be able to find many items which arouse your interest in the meantime. Some special items may unbearably attract you. In that case, please do not hesitate to purchase them as we are now offering our products at wholesale prices and prices will be raised without notice as soon as the test marketing is complete. In addition, we have been earning high reputations from a number of our customers since our establishment and also have been trying to improve the quality of our products for your satisfaction. You should find our quality once you get our products. You will have no choice but to get our products. We are looking forward to your order.
Shinya Fujimori,
CEO of ShinMedico Inc.